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Faraci & Co - Service Standard

If your circumstances have not changed from the prior year you can email, mail in or drop off in person your tax documents and we will contact you to discuss any questions we might have.

If your circumstances have changed or you wish to meet with us with any other matters to discuss we are happy to do so. All client meetings over 30 minutes will be charged at $77.00 per hour (including GST). New clients or first time clients are entitled to a no obligation 45 minute introductory meeting.

Our standard rate for a basic tax return is $154.00 (including GST) additional charges apply for additional schedule such as rental property, log book etc. Full listing of rates can be found on our website.

Once all the information has been provided we will endeavor to have your income tax return to you for signing within a week, by our preferred method, email.

We require you to print out, sign the income tax return and return to us either via email or mail before we can lodge. If you cannot print out a reply email authorising us to lodge will be sufficient.

ATO - Service Standard

If you are entitled to a refund, the ATO’s service standard for processing returns and refunds is 28 days. Despite this the majority of returns are processed by the ATO are within 10-20 days.


However we cannot contact the ATO to fast track your return or query the status of your return until the 28 days has passed. Therefore we will not take any inquiries regarding the status of your refund within this time period.

If you have elected to have your tax agent fees come out of your refund, even though the ATO will process the refund into our trust account (and you might be notifed via your myGov app) well inside the 28 days please allow 3-5 days for our firm to process your refund from out trust account to your bank account.

A reminder that the 28 days begins from the date of lodgement after a signed copy of the income tax return is returned to our office, not the date of the meeting or when the original documents are sent in us.

Thanks! Message sent.

"“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”"

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